Spring 2018 Deaf Christian Conference, Austin, TX
Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Offerings
for God's Purpose
Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Offerings
for God's Purpose
Message 1:
Taking Christ as the Burnt Offering and the Meal (Bread) Offering
Part 1 : The Burnt Offering
Message 1:
Taking Christ as the Burnt Offering and the Meal (Bread) Offering
Part 2 : The Meal Offering
Message 2:
The Appreciation of Christ as Our Sin Offering and Our Trespass Offering
Part 1 : The Sin Offering
Message 2:
The Appreciation of Christ as Our Sin Offering and Our Trespass Offering
Part 2 : The Trespass Offering
The Appreciation of Christ as Our Sin Offering and Our Trespass Offering
Part 2 : The Trespass Offering
Message 3:
Experiencing Christ as the Peace Offering for the Body of Christ and
for the New Jerusalem as the Ultimate Peace Offering
Experiencing Christ as the Peace Offering for the Body of Christ and
for the New Jerusalem as the Ultimate Peace Offering